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  Operations Improvement U.S.

Growth Improvement Core

Growth Improvement Core

Operations Improvement US offers mature staffing analysis services.

In this project, the very senior management of a large consumer products company wanted to capture a snapshot of how much time over 5,000 people spent supporting Growth and Improvement Projects, along with their Core Work.

This was inclusive of both the line and staff functions across more than 100 locations.

The schedule required all data to be collected, analyzed and summarized within two months of the project start.

In this project:

  1. Meetings with the project sponsors solidified definitions of Growth, Improvement and Core activities that could be applied across the large organization.

  2. With such a large population to capture, a web based solution was developed using Agile programming methods.

  3. Screening interviews were done to present context specific information to the population for self reporting. As an example, accounting staff were presented with only accounting activities.

  4. Ad hoc reporting was developed to allow individual managers at every level in every department to analyze information and prepare recommendations about organizational change impacts.

  5. At the projects end, senior management was advised about the risks of changing staffing level within each of the Growth, Improvement and Core contexts.

Email: larry | © 2010 Operations Improvement U.S.